
  • Sumarlin Sumarlin
  • Dewi Anggraini



K-Nearest Neighbor, Cross Validation, Confusion Matrix, Kurva ROC


Data on graduate students is an important part in determining the quality of a private and public university. Graduate data is included in important assessments in the accreditation process. Data from Uyelindo Kupang STIKOM graduates every year will continue to grow and accumulate like neglected data because it is rarely used. To maximize student data into information that can be used by universities, the data must be processed in this case used as training data in a study using data mining to obtain information in the form of predictions of graduation from Kupang Uyelindo STIKOM students. The method used in this study is K-Nearest Neighbor using rapidminer software to measure K-Nearest Neighbor's accuracy against student graduate data. The criteria used were in the form of student names, gender, cumulative achievement index (GPA) from semester 1 to 6. In applying the K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm can be used to produce predictions of student graduation. To measure the performance of the k-nearest neighbor algorithm, the Cross Validation, Confusion Matrix and ROC Curves methods are used, in this study using a 5-fold cross validation to predict student graduation. From 100 student dataset records Uyelindo Kupang STIKOM graduates obtained accuracy rate reached 82% and included a very good classification because it has an AUC value between 0.90-1.00, which is 0.971, so it can be concluded that the accuracy of testing of student graduation models using K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) algorithm is influenced by the number of data clusters. Accuracy and the highest AUC value of 5-fold validation is to cluster data k = 4 with the accuracy value of 90%.


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How to Cite

Sumarlin, S., & Anggraini, D. (2018). IMPLEMENTASI K-NEAREST NEIGHBORD PADA RAPIDMINER UNTUK PREDIKSI KELULUSAN MAHASISWA. HOAQ (High Education of Organization Archive Quality) : Jurnal Teknologi Informasi, 10(1), 35–41.

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