Sistem Penjadwalan dan Koordinasi Kegiatan Gubenur Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur
Activities, scheduling, system, waterfall, websiteAbstract
Protocol Section this is a part of the Administration Bureau for the Setda of East Nusa Tenggara Province. The Protocol Section has the task of planning, implementing, facilitating and coordinating events based on applicable regulations, so that the leadership event runs smoothly. So far, in the process of implementing and coordinating activities, especially the delivery of information to the activity assistants, it is still done through correspondence. This is not practical because it takes more time and money to procure invitations. Likewise, the coordination of preparations was carried out several times before the day of the activity and was carried out via WhatsApp. This process is inefficient because it requires more labor and costs for transportation and there are often items of equipment that are missed in checking. In this research, it is planned to build a system for scheduling and coordinating governor activities. In this research procedure, there is a method used, namely the Waterfall method. This method is often called the classical life cycle, where it describes a systematic and sequential approach to software development, starting with the specification of user requirements and then proceeding to the planning, modeling, construction, and delivery stages of the system to customers, ending with support for the customer. complete software generated. By establishing a Scheduling and Coordination System for the Activities of the Governor of East Nusa Tenggara, it is hoped that it will facilitate the Protocol Section in the scheduling and coordination process to facilitate the activities of the governor.
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