
  • Ricky Imanuel Ndaumanu Program Studi Teknik Informatika STMIK Widya Dharma, Pontianak


Borneo, page, tourism, Si Kepo, Media Richness Theory


West Kalimantan, a province in the west of the island of Borneo (Borneo) which is precisely crossed by the equator is a province that is rich in natural and cultural potential so that it becomes a special attraction, especially in the tourism sector. With this potential, West Kalimantan is one of the representations of Indonesia as an equatorial emerald state. The Provincial Government of West Kalimantan itself has utilized information technology in the form of a web-based information system called the Tourism, Ecraf, Youth and Sports Information System (Si Kepo) to promote and present information related to several things, one of which is tourism. Si Kepo Disporapar West Kalimantan can be accessed through the address The purpose of this study is to find a picture of the media richness of the tourism page on the Si Kepo website so that it can explore the extent of its benefits to tourists and provide recommendations for improvement and development of the Kepo in the future by conducting analysis based on elements of Media Richness Theory ( MRT).


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How to Cite

Ndaumanu, R. I. . (2019). ANALISIS LAMAN PARIWISATA PROVINSI KALIMANTAN BARAT. Seminar Nasional & Konferensi Ilmiah Sistem Informasi, Informatika & Komunikasi, 887–893. Retrieved from